Unique Benefits of Fox Chapel Tutoring
Ready, Confident, Successful
We provide convenient, personalized academic tutoring in math and physics subjects and math SAT/ACT test preparation. Our professional tutoring is designed to fit into your child's busy schedule. We equip your child with the right knowledge, confidence, and effective SAT/ACT test-taking strategies to perform at his or her highest levels. We'll ensure your child is ready, confident, and successful.
Tutoring Services
"Specializing in math and physics tutoring and college test preparation"
Math Tutoring
Math tutoring is provided for all math subjects (excluding statistics) up to and including calculus 1. Tutoring is provided online using Skype. Students living in the Williamsburg VA area also have the option of meeting personally with Sherman Snyder at a mutually convenient location.

Physics Tutoring
Physics tutoring is provided for subjects including motion and forces, electricity and magnetism, waves, and optics. Tutoring is provided online using Skype. Students living in the Williamsburg VA area also have the option of meeting personally with Sherman Snyder at a mutually convenient location.
SAT and ACT Tutoring
Test preparation services are provided for the math sections of the SAT and the math and science sections of the ACT. The cost is $70 per one hour session. Tutoring is provided online using Skype. Students living in the Williamsburg VA area also have the option of receiving SAT math and ACT math and science tutoring by meeting personally with Sherman Snyder at a mutually convenient location.

We help kids help themselves

Sherman is the proud owner of Fox Chapel Tutoring. After a 20 year career in engineering and business, Sherman transitioned into education to pursue his life-long passion of helping students achieve their academic education goals. Since 2000, Sherman has taught physics and a variety of math subjects at Shady Side Academy, The Ellis School, Duquesne University, and ITT Technical Institute (all in Pittsburgh PA). In addition, Sherman served as a member of the Fox Chapel Area school board in Pittsburgh PA from 1997 until 2014. Sherman graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Pittsburgh with a BS degree in Metallurgical Engineering. He also earned graduate degrees in both engineering (MS Metallurgical Engineering) and education (MA Curriculum and Instruction). Sherman started Fox Chapel Tutoring in 2004. In his spare time, Sherman is a fitness enthusiast. After 39 dedicated years to running, Sherman transitioned into cycling on the advice of his podiatrist. He currently rides 15 miles daily and really enjoys the new activity. In addition, Sherman visits the Health and Fitness center on a daily basis for upper body strengthening. Sherman currently resides in Kingsmill, a community that is located adjacent to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA.
Connect with Sherman
Questions, comments or requests? Feel free to reach out...I would love to hear from you.